Earl was nominated to the NECAC board during a special election to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Shelia Kemp of Montgomery City. During the nominating process held last June, Earl was nominated by a Montgomery County low-income resident then elected during the NECAC July board meeting. She was officially seated during the board’s September 28 meeting.
NECAC is a social service, community health and public housing Community Action Agency which operates and delivers a variety of programs and services to qualifying low-income, elderly, youth, disabled and disadvantaged participants through grants and contracts with federal, state and local governments, private businesses and other non-profit organizations.
NECAC is one of 19 Community Action Agencies in Missouri and part of a national network of over 1000 agencies. The agency’s Central Administration Offices are located in Bowling Green with NECAC with NECAC County Service Centers operated in each county.
“We welcome Jennifer to the NECAC team,” Patrick said. “We look forward to her input. Her years of experience as a volunteer and working at non-profit agencies will make her an asset to the NECAC Board.”
“I personally know what it is like being low-income,” Earl said. “I want to serve and help our community. I will try to find way to give low-income people more support.”
Earl, the mother of 4 children, has been self-employed as a staff accountant and medical billing clerk. She has also worked for the Montgomery County Developmental Disability Assistance Board and the We Care Ministries. She is also involved with the Reach Community Church and volunteers for many of their community activities.
The NECAC Board of Directors consists of three representatives from each of the 12 counties served. Each county is represented by one Public Elected Official (PEO), one Civic Interest Representative (CIR) and one Low-Income Representative (LIR). Also serving on the NECAC Board from Montgomery County are County Commissioner Rich Daniels of Wellsville as the PEO and Cheryl Wisdom of Montgomery City as the CIR.
NECAC delivers more than 60 social service, community health and public housing programs to clients through more than 30 contracts and grants with federal, state and local governments, private businesses and other non-profit organizations. The agency has 140 full-time and more than 250 part-time employees, and currently operates a budget of $30.1 million.
More information about NEAC programs is available by calling NECAC Montgomery County Service Coordinator Kathy Block at 573-564-3606 or visiting the NECAC Montgomery County Service Center, 137 Farnen Streen in Montgomery City.