Friday, October 1, 2010

NECAC WIC Program renewal for 2011.

Don Patrick President & CEO of NECAC indicated that the contract awarded from the Missouri Dept. of Health will provide the agency with $230,724 for the 2011 Fiscal year which begins on October 1st and runs through September 30, 2011. The award allows the agency to continue providing WIC services to over 17,000 clients in Warren and St. Charles counties.

NECAC is a 12-county area social service, community health and public housing agency that contracts with local, state and federal governments, private businesses and other non-profit groups to administer and deliver self-sufficiency programs to the low-income, elderly, youth, handicapped and disadvantaged.

WIC is a food and nutrition program created in 1972 that is designed to assist pregnant women, breastfeeding women as well as infants and children under the age of five. The supplemental nutrition program provides free nutrition education, breastfeeding support and information as well as nutritious foods such as juice, milk, breakfast cereal, cheese, eggs, fruits and vegetables and whole wheat bread.
Participants must meet income guidelines and be determined by a health professional to be at nutritional risk. If a person participates in other benefit programs, or has family members who participate in the Food Stamp Program, Medicaid, or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, they automatically meet the eligibility requirements. This program is unrelated to the USDA's "Food Stamp" program.
In Warren County, WIC services may be obtained at the NECAC Warren County Service Center & Family Planning Clinic located at 120 East Main Street in Warrenton and is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as well as the 2nd Saturday of every month.
In St. Charles County, WIC services are available at the NECAC St. Charles County Service Center & Family Planning Clinic located at 3400 Meadow Pointe Drive in O’Fallon and is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday as well as the 3rd Saturday of every month.
Michelle Walch is the NECAC WIC Health Services Coordinator at both locations and can be reached at (636) 456-2933 in Warrenton and (636) 240-7350 in O’Fallon. Appointments are encouraged at both locations.